What's your level of resilience?

How do you handle failure?

  • Learn from it
  • Give up
  • Blame others
  • Try again

How easily do you get discouraged?

  • Very
  • Sometimes
  • Rarely
  • Never

How do you handle stress?

  • Exercise
  • Avoidance
  • Seek support
  • Distract yourself

How adaptable are you to change?

  • Very adaptable
  • Struggle with change
  • Manageable
  • Resistant

How do you handle criticism?

  • Take it constructively
  • Feel hurt
  • Defensive
  • Ignore it

How do you bounce back from setbacks?

  • Quickly and effectively
  • Take time to recover
  • Struggle to move on
  • Seek support

How do you handle uncertainty?

  • Embrace it
  • Feel anxious
  • Find stability
  • Avoid it

How do you cope with failure?

  • Learn and grow
  • Get discouraged
  • Blame others
  • Try again

How do you handle unexpected challenges?

  • Adapt and overcome
  • Get overwhelmed
  • Avoid or give up
  • Ask for help

How do you maintain a positive outlook?

  • Focus on gratitude
  • Dwell on negativity
  • Ignore negative thoughts
  • Find silver linings


You have a high level of resilience. You bounce back quickly from setbacks and use them as opportunities for growth.

Moderately Resilient

You have a moderate level of resilience. While you may face challenges, you are able to recover and adapt.

Less Resilient

You have a lower level of resilience. You may struggle to bounce back from setbacks and find it difficult to handle stress.

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