What's your food philosophy?

What is your favorite cuisine?

  • Italian
  • Asian
  • Mexican
  • Mediterranean

How do you feel about vegetarianism?

  • Love it
  • Could go either way
  • Not my thing
  • Never tried it

Which cooking method do you prefer?

  • Grilling
  • Baking
  • Stir-frying
  • Steaming

What is your preferred source of protein?

  • Chicken
  • Tofu
  • Beef
  • Fish

How do you feel about organic food?

  • Love it
  • Prefer it
  • Doesn't matter
  • Don't care

What is your favorite dessert?

  • Chocolate cake
  • Fruit salad
  • Ice cream
  • Cheesecake

How adventurous are you with trying new foods?

  • Very adventurous
  • Somewhat adventurous
  • Not very adventurous
  • Not at all adventurous

What is your preferred meal size?

  • Small portions
  • Moderate portions
  • Large portions
  • Size doesn't matter

How often do you eat out?

  • Rarely
  • Occasionally
  • Frequently
  • Almost every meal

What is your attitude towards food waste?

  • Minimize waste
  • Try to reduce waste
  • Indifferent
  • Don't care


You appreciate classic dishes and traditional cooking methods. You enjoy a variety of cuisines while sticking to familiar flavors.

Adventurous Explorer

You have a curiosity for new flavors and love trying dishes from different cultures. Your taste buds are always up for an adventure.

Healthy Eater

You prioritize nutritious and wholesome meals. You prefer organic and locally sourced ingredients to fuel your body with healthy choices.

Indulgent Foodie

You enjoy indulging in decadent and luxurious dishes. You savor every bite and believe that food should be a pleasure to be savored.

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