Are you a high heels or sneakers person?

What type of shoes do you wear most often?

  • High heels
  • Sneakers

How often do you wear flats?

  • Rarely
  • Often

What do you prioritize when choosing shoes?

  • Comfort
  • Style

Which outfit do you feel most confident in?

  • Dress & High heels
  • Jeans & Sneakers

Do you prefer casual or formal events?

  • Casual
  • Formal

Do you like to experiment with different shoe colors?

  • Yes
  • No

How important is it for your shoes to match your outfit?

  • Very important
  • Not important

Do you enjoy wearing heels for extended periods of time?

  • Yes
  • No

Are you willing to sacrifice comfort for style?

  • Yes
  • No

What type of shoes do you have the most in your closet?

  • High heels
  • Sneakers

High Heels Lover

You are a high heels person! You love the elegance and confidence that high heels bring to your style.

Sneakers Enthusiast

You are a sneakers person! Comfort and functionality are your top priorities when it comes to shoes.

Mix of Both

You enjoy wearing both high heels and sneakers depending on the occasion and your mood.

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