What's your emotional intelligence level?

How well do you understand your own emotions?

  • Not at all
  • A little
  • Moderately
  • Very well

How good are you at managing your emotions?

  • Terrible
  • Not great
  • Adequate
  • Exceptional

How well do you read and understand other people's emotions?

  • Not well
  • Fairly well
  • Quite well
  • Extremely well

How empathetic are you towards others?

  • Not empathetic
  • Slightly empathetic
  • Moderately empathetic
  • Highly empathetic

How well do you handle conflicts and disagreements?

  • Very poorly
  • Not very well
  • Handle them okay
  • Handle them excellently

How good are you at influencing and inspiring others?

  • Not good at all
  • Fairly good
  • Quite good
  • Exceptional

How well do you handle stress and pressure?

  • Very poorly
  • Not very well
  • Manage them okay
  • Manage them excellently

How adaptable are you to change?

  • Not adaptable
  • Slightly adaptable
  • Moderately adaptable
  • Highly adaptable

How good are you at building and maintaining relationships?

  • Poor
  • Okay
  • Good
  • Excellent

How optimistic are you about the future?

  • Pessimistic
  • Slightly optimistic
  • Moderately optimistic
  • Highly optimistic

Low Emotional Intelligence

Your emotional intelligence level is low. You may struggle to understand and manage your own emotions and have difficulty empathizing with others.

Moderate Emotional Intelligence

Your emotional intelligence level is moderate. You have some understanding of your own emotions and are capable of empathizing with others to some degree.

High Emotional Intelligence

Congratulations! Your emotional intelligence level is high. You have a strong understanding of your own emotions and are skilled at reading and empathizing with others.

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