Are You a Tech Enthusiast or a Tech Skeptic?

What is your favorite way to spend a free evening?

  • Binge-watching a new TV series
  • Reading a book or newspaper
  • Playing video games
  • Going for a walk or spending time outdoors

How do you feel about social media?

  • I love it! It helps me stay connected with friends and family.
  • I use it occasionally, but I prefer face-to-face interactions.
  • I'm not a fan. It can be a major source of stress and anxiety.
  • I don't use social media at all.

How do you handle personal data privacy?

  • I don't worry about it. I trust technology to protect my data.
  • I'm cautious and only share personal information when necessary.
  • I'm concerned about privacy and take steps to protect my data.
  • I avoid using online services that collect personal data.

What is your opinion on automation and AI?

  • I'm excited about the possibilities and believe it will improve our lives.
  • I think it can be useful, but there are also risks and ethical concerns.
  • I'm skeptical. It may lead to job loss and have negative societal impacts.
  • I'm not interested in automation or AI.

How do you feel about the constant connectivity of smartphones?

  • I love it! I can easily stay connected and access information anytime.
  • I appreciate the convenience but also value offline time.
  • I find it overwhelming and constantly crave digital detoxes.
  • I don't use smartphones or prefer basic ones without constant connectivity.

Tech Enthusiast

You embrace technology and all its advancements. You are excited about the possibilities it brings and believe it can greatly improve our lives.

Tech Skeptic

You are cautious about the impact and risks of technology. While you recognize its usefulness, you also have concerns about privacy, job loss, and societal implications.

Mixed Outlook

You have a mixed outlook on technology. You appreciate its benefits but also have reservations about certain aspects. Your views may vary depending on the specific technology and context.

Tech Detoxer

You are not particularly interested in technology and prefer to disconnect from digital devices. You value offline time and seek simplicity in your daily life.

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