Quiz: Discover Your Response Style

How do you usually react when someone asks you for nudes?

  • I immediately shut them down and firmly say no.
  • I try to change the subject or deflect their request.
  • I jokingly respond with a witty comeback to lighten the mood.
  • I simply ignore their request and move on.

Which response tactic feels most natural to you?

  • Being straightforward and assertive.
  • Using humor and sarcasm to defuse the situation.
  • Avoiding the topic and changing the conversation.
  • Being indifferent and not engaging with their request.

What is your preferred way of setting boundaries?

  • Explicitly stating your boundaries without hesitation.
  • Using wit and humor to subtly communicate your boundaries.
  • Avoiding the topic and redirecting the conversation towards other interests.
  • Not feeling the need to explicitly set boundaries.

How do you handle persistent requests for nudes?

  • Continuously assert your boundaries and firmly say no.
  • Playfully deflect their requests with clever comebacks.
  • Try to ignore or avoid their persistent requests.
  • Let their persistence slide and not give it much attention.

What is your general attitude towards people who ask for nudes?

  • They immediately lose respect and credibility.
  • They are met with humor and not taken seriously.
  • Their requests are dismissed, and the focus shifts to other topics.
  • Their requests are simply ignored, as if they were never made.

The Assertive Defender

You are assertive and uncompromising when it comes to setting boundaries and saying no to requests for nudes. You make your position clear and firmly shut down any inappropriate advances.

The Witty Diplomat

You use humor and wit to skillfully navigate away from requests for nudes. Your comebacks lighten the mood while effectively setting boundaries and deflecting unwanted advances.

The Subtle Redirector

You avoid direct confrontation by subtly redirecting the conversation away from requests for nudes. You gracefully guide the interaction towards other topics of interest without explicitly setting boundaries.

The Nonchalant Ignorer

You treat requests for nudes with indifference and nonchalance. You simply ignore the requests, not feeling the need to engage or set explicit boundaries.

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