Discover Your Perfect Cocktail

What flavor do you prefer in a cocktail?

  • Sweet
  • Sour
  • Spicy
  • Fruity

How do you like your cocktails served?

  • On the rocks
  • Straight up
  • Blended
  • With a splash of soda

What liquor do you prefer in a cocktail?

  • Vodka
  • Rum
  • Tequila
  • Gin

How strong do you like your cocktails?

  • Mild
  • Moderate
  • Strong
  • Extra strong

What color do you prefer for your cocktails?

  • Clear
  • Yellow/Amber
  • Red/Pink
  • Green/Blue

Mojito Lover

You enjoy the refreshing combination of mint and lime, with a hint of sweetness.

Cosmopolitan Connoisseur

You prefer sophisticated and fruity cocktails with a hint of sourness.

Spicy Margarita Aficionado

You like your cocktails with a kick of spice and the unique flavor of tequila.

Gin Martini Enthusiast

You appreciate classic cocktails with a touch of elegance and the smoothness of gin.

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