Discover His Interest Quiz

Does he make an effort to spend time with you?

  • Yes, he always finds time for us.
  • Sometimes, but he seems busy most of the time.
  • Rarely, and it feels like I'm the only one trying.
  • No, he doesn't seem interested in spending time together.

Does he remember important details about you?

  • Yes, he pays attention to everything I say.
  • Sometimes, but he forgets some things.
  • Not really, he rarely remembers anything.
  • No, he never remembers anything about me.

Does he show affection in public?

  • Yes, he's not afraid to show his love for me in front of others.
  • Sometimes, but he can be reserved in public.
  • Rarely, he avoids any displays of affection in public.
  • No, he never shows any affection in public.

Does he involve you in his future plans?

  • Yes, he talks about our future together.
  • Sometimes, but he doesn't include me in all his plans.
  • Rarely, he rarely mentions any future plans.
  • No, he doesn't seem interested in a future with me.

Does he listen and support you when you're upset?

  • Yes, he's always there for me and offers support.
  • Sometimes, but he's not very good at comforting me.
  • Rarely, he doesn't seem interested in my problems.
  • No, he shows no concern when I'm upset.

Hopelessly in Love

Congratulations! It seems like he's really into you and this could be the start of something special.

Potential Interest

He shows some signs of interest, but there's still room for improvement. Keep an eye on how things develop.

Uncertain Feelings

It's hard to say for sure if he's into you. He may have mixed feelings or simply not be interested. Don't invest too much until his intentions become clearer.

Not Interested

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like he's into you. It's best to focus your energy elsewhere and find someone who appreciates you.

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