The Intimate Insight

How important is it for you to feel fresh and clean before having sex?

  • Absolutely crucial
  • It's nice, but not a deal-breaker
  • Not a priority
  • I prefer spontaneity

What type of scent do you prefer when it comes to intimate products?

  • Light and floral
  • Fresh and clean
  • No scent at all
  • Something exotic and spicy

Do you enjoy experimenting with new products and techniques to enhance pleasure?

  • Absolutely, always looking for new ways to spice things up
  • Occasionally, if it's something I'm comfortable with
  • Not really, I prefer sticking to what I know
  • I like keeping things simple and natural

How much time and effort do you typically put into grooming before sex?

  • I take my time and go all out
  • I make sure to look presentable and put in some effort
  • I keep it minimal and low-key
  • I don't worry too much about it

What is your preferred method of protection during sex?

  • Condoms - safety first
  • Other forms of contraception (e.g., pill, IUD)
  • Combination of methods
  • I prefer going without protection

The Pristine Perfectionist

You take great care in preparing your body for intimate moments. Cleanliness and hygiene are your top priorities.

The Sensual Minimalist

You prefer a natural and effortless approach to prepping your body. Less is more in your book.

The Adventurous Explorer

You love trying new products and techniques to enhance pleasure and create new experiences.

The Spontaneous Free Spirit

You prefer to go with the flow and let things happen naturally. Ditching the preparation is your style.

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