Discover Your Approach to Dealing with Crushes

How do you feel when you find out your crush is in a relationship?

  • Happy for them and supportive
  • Sad and disappointed
  • Angry and resentful
  • Indifferent, it doesn't affect me

What would you do if your crush's relationship status changed to single?

  • Reach out and offer support
  • Make a move and express your feelings
  • Wait for them to approach you
  • Move on and focus on other things

How do you handle your emotions when you see your crush with their partner?

  • Avoid looking or thinking about them
  • Feel a tinge of jealousy but quickly move on
  • Get upset and try to avoid them
  • Feel happy for them and their happiness

If your crush discusses relationship problems with you, how do you respond?

  • Offer advice and support as a friend
  • Use the opportunity to express your own feelings
  • Listen attentively but avoid getting involved
  • Distance yourself to avoid any awkward situations

How long do you usually hold onto feelings for someone who is in a relationship?

  • Forever, I can't let go easily
  • Until I find someone else to crush on
  • A few months, then I move on
  • I never develop feelings for someone in a relationship

The Supportive Friend

You are always there for your crush, offering support and friendship without any ulterior motives.

The Hopeful Romantic

Despite the obstacles, you believe in the power of love and may be willing to express your feelings when the timing is right.

The Practical Realist

You understand that a relationship is not meant to be and choose to focus on other aspects of your life.

The Detached Observer

You remain distant and unaffected by your crush's relationship status, preferring to maintain emotional distance.

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