Signs He Has a Girlfriend Quiz

Does he always seem busy when you suggest hanging out?

  • Yes, he always has something else going on.
  • Sometimes, but not always.
  • No, he's usually available to hang out.
  • I'm not sure.

Has he ever mentioned another girl's name in conversations?

  • Yes, multiple times.
  • Once or twice.
  • No, he never talks about other girls.
  • I haven't noticed.

Does he avoid introducing you to his friends or family?

  • Yes, he never includes me in social gatherings.
  • Sometimes, he's hesitant to introduce me.
  • No, he's introduced me to his friends and family.
  • I haven't had the opportunity to meet his friends or family.

Have you noticed him receiving frequent phone calls or texts while you're together?

  • Yes, all the time.
  • Occasionally, but not excessively.
  • No, he doesn't get many calls or texts when we're together.
  • I haven't paid much attention.

Does he avoid public displays of affection with you?

  • Yes, he never wants to show affection in public.
  • Sometimes, he's hesitant to show affection.
  • No, he's comfortable with public displays of affection.
  • I haven't tried to show affection in public.

The Single and Ready to Mingle

Congratulations! It appears that he doesn't have a girlfriend, so feel free to explore your relationship further.

The Suspicious Situation

There are a few signs that he might already have a girlfriend. Be cautious and communicate openly with him to clarify the situation.

The Taken Territory

Based on the signs, it is likely that he has a girlfriend. It's important to respect his current relationship and consider moving on.

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