Discover Your Squad Personality

Your friends invite you to a karaoke night. What's your reaction?

  • Jump up and start picking your favorite song
  • Politely decline and offer to be the designated photographer
  • Join in, but only sing with a group of friends
  • Hide in the bathroom until the karaoke session is over

Your squad is planning a weekend getaway. Where do you suggest going?

  • A bustling city known for its nightlife
  • A cozy cabin in the mountains
  • A beachfront villa with private access
  • Nowhere, you'd rather stay home and relax

It's time to choose a movie for your squad movie night. What genre do you pick?

  • Action-packed thriller
  • Romantic comedy
  • Sci-fi fantasy
  • Documentary or historical drama

Your friends want to try a new restaurant. What are you most excited to eat?

  • Gourmet burgers or juicy steaks
  • Sushi or other Asian cuisine
  • Pizza or pasta from a local Italian joint
  • Vegetarian or vegan dishes

A squad member needs help with a DIY project. How do you contribute?

  • Offer creative ideas and assist with design
  • Provide tools and technical expertise
  • Help with manual labor and heavy lifting
  • Stay out of the way and offer moral support

The Social Butterfly

You love being the center of attention and enjoy social events.

The Supportive Sidekick

You may not seek the spotlight, but you're always there for your friends.

The Adventurous Explorer

You're always up for new experiences and love exploring different places.

The Homebody

You prefer the comfort of home and enjoy quieter activities.

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