Test His Interest Quiz

How often does he initiate conversation with you?

  • Rarely or never
  • Sometimes
  • Frequently
  • Every day

How attentive is he when you talk or share something with him?

  • Not attentive at all
  • Somewhat attentive
  • Mostly attentive
  • Highly attentive

Does he make an effort to spend time with you?

  • Never or rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Always

How does he respond when you need help or support?

  • Doesn't offer help
  • Offers some help
  • Offers help but not consistently
  • Always offers help and support

How often does he compliment or praise you?

  • Never or rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Frequently

Low Interest Level

Based on your responses, it seems like his interest in you is low.

Moderate Interest Level

Based on your responses, it seems like his interest in you is moderate.

High Interest Level

Based on your responses, it seems like his interest in you is high.

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