Discover Your Love Language

What is your preferred way to express love?

  • Affectionate touch
  • Acts of service
  • Quality time
  • Words of affirmation

What makes you feel most loved?

  • Receiving gifts
  • Receiving compliments
  • Spending undivided attention
  • Having tasks done for you

What gesture from your partner would make you feel the most appreciated?

  • A surprise date night
  • A heartfelt letter
  • Helping with household chores
  • Cuddling and physical closeness

Which of the following would you consider the ultimate romantic gesture?

  • An all-expenses-paid vacation
  • A handwritten love poem
  • Doing something kind without being asked
  • A surprise candlelit dinner at home

What type of affectionate behavior do you appreciate the most?

  • Hugs and kisses
  • Doing things together
  • Verbal encouragement
  • Small acts of kindness

Physical Touch

You feel most loved when there is physical contact and affection in your relationships.

Acts of Service

You appreciate it when your partner does things for you and helps you out in practical ways.

Quality Time

You value spending undivided attention and quality time with your loved ones.

Words of Affirmation

You feel most loved when you receive verbal compliments and encouragement.

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