Discover Your Relationship Compatibility

How often does your partner introduce you to their friends and family?

  • They never introduce me to anyone.
  • Only on special occasions.
  • Fairly often, but not always.
  • Regularly, and include me in their social circle.

When you go out together, how does your partner act towards you in public?

  • They ignore me and act like I'm not there.
  • They're distant and avoid any physical contact.
  • They're friendly and polite, but not overly affectionate.
  • They're affectionate and proud to be seen with me.

How does your partner react when you express your opinions or ideas?

  • They disregard my opinions or mock me.
  • They listen, but don't take my opinions seriously.
  • They consider my opinions, but may not always agree.
  • They value my opinions and respect my ideas.

Do you feel like your partner hides your relationship on social media?

  • Yes, they never post about us or acknowledge our relationship.
  • Only occasionally, and usually without tagging or mentioning me.
  • Sometimes, but they also share some moments together.
  • No, they proudly show our relationship to the world.

How supportive is your partner of your goals and aspirations?

  • They don't seem interested in my goals.
  • They're somewhat supportive, but not actively involved.
  • They're supportive and encourage my pursuits.
  • They're my biggest cheerleader and actively help me achieve my goals.

The Uncertain Union

Your partner may be embarrassed of you or unsure about their commitment to the relationship. It's important to have open and honest communication to address these concerns.

The Lukewarm Lovebirds

Your partner shows some signs of being embarrassed, but it could also be due to other factors. Try to discuss your feelings and see if you can work on strengthening your relationship.

The Steady Soulmates

Your partner values you and your relationship. They may have moments of insecurity, but overall, they are proud to be with you. Keep nurturing your love and trust.

The Perfect Pair

Your partner cherishes and adores you. They are not embarrassed to showcase your relationship and are fully committed to your happiness. You have found a true connection.

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