Discover Your Period Personality

How do you usually feel during your period?

  • Emotional and sensitive
  • Meh, just going with the flow
  • Irritable and easily annoyed
  • Empowered and strong

What type of period products do you prefer?

  • Tampons
  • Pads
  • Menstrual cup
  • Period underwear

How do you manage period cravings?

  • Indulge in chocolate and sweets
  • Stick to a healthy diet
  • Eat whatever I feel like
  • Cravings? What cravings?

What's your go-to period comfort activity?

  • Curling up with a good book
  • Binge-watching my favorite TV shows
  • Pampering myself with a spa day
  • Going for a long walk or workout

How do you deal with period pain?

  • Pop painkillers
  • Use a heating pad or hot water bottle
  • Meditation and relaxation techniques
  • Just tough it out

The Delicate Dreamer

You prefer to embrace your emotions during your period and take care of yourself with gentle activities.

The Easygoing Enthusiast

You have a relaxed approach to your period and prefer to go with the flow.

The Fiery Force

You experience heightened irritability during your period but also feel empowered and strong.

The Empowered Energizer

You fully embrace your period and use it as an opportunity for self-care and empowerment.

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