Discover Your Repurposing Style

What type of repurposing project are you most likely to attempt?

  • Creating a unique piece of furniture
  • Making stylish accessories like bags or pillows
  • Turning coffee sacks into wall art
  • Using coffee sacks as planters or garden decor

How much time are you willing to spend on a repurposing project?

  • A few hours
  • A weekend
  • A couple of weeks
  • As long as it takes to get it right

What is your budget for repurposing materials?

  • $0 - I'll use what I already have
  • $10 - $20
  • $30 - $50
  • $50+

What is your skill level when it comes to DIY projects?

  • Expert - I can tackle anything
  • Intermediate - I have some experience
  • Beginner - I'm just getting started
  • I'm not very handy

What inspires you to repurpose items?

  • The challenge of giving new life to something old
  • The opportunity to personalize my living space
  • The satisfaction of reducing waste and being eco-friendly
  • The joy of creating something with my own hands

The DIY Whiz

You're a master of repurposing! Your creativity knows no bounds, and you love taking on challenging projects to create unique pieces of furniture or decor.

The Style Savvy

You have an eye for style and love transforming repurposed materials into trendy accessories. Your projects always turn heads and make a fashion statement.

The Eco Warrior

You're passionate about reducing waste and finding creative solutions. Turning coffee sacks into wall art or using them as planters aligns perfectly with your eco-friendly lifestyle.

The Beginner Explorer

You're just starting your repurposing journey and are excited to learn new skills. Your enthusiasm and willingness to try new projects will lead you to discover your own unique style.

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