Discover Your Revenge Style

How would you react if you found out your partner cheated on you?

  • Confront them and demand an explanation
  • Keep calm and have a conversation to understand their perspective
  • Seek revenge by flirting with their friends
  • Break up with them immediately

What would be your preferred method of revenge?

  • Exposing their cheating to their friends and family
  • Destroying their belongings
  • Ignoring them and moving on with your life
  • Spreading rumors about them

How important is revenge to you?

  • It's extremely important to get back at someone who has wronged me
  • I believe in karma and let it take care of revenge
  • Revenge is not a priority for me
  • I prefer to forgive and move on

Which quote resonates with you the most?

  • An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind
  • Don't get mad, get even
  • Revenge is a dish best served cold
  • Living well is the best revenge

What is your ultimate goal in seeking revenge?

  • Make the other person suffer as I have
  • Find closure and move on
  • Teach them a lesson they'll never forget
  • Improve my own self-esteem and confidence

The Calculated Planner

You approach revenge with careful planning and consideration. You like to make sure the other person suffers the consequences of their actions.

The Rational Communicator

You believe in having open and honest conversations to solve conflicts. Revenge is not a priority for you, and you prefer to find closure and move on.

The Fiery Avenger

You have a strong desire for revenge and are not afraid to take bold actions. You want to make the other person feel the pain and humiliation they caused you.

The Forgiving Spirit

Revenge is not your style. You believe in forgiveness and letting go of grudges. Your focus is on improving yourself and moving forward.

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