Discover Your Intimacy Preferences

How do you feel about intimacy during your period?

  • Not comfortable at all
  • Open to some activities
  • Enjoy it as much as any other time
  • Love exploring new experiences during my period

Which type of intimacy activity would you prefer during your period?

  • Cuddling and watching movies
  • Oral sex
  • Intercourse
  • Trying new positions or toys

How important is it for your partner to be comfortable with intimacy during your period?

  • Not important at all
  • Somewhat important
  • Very important
  • Crucial for me

Do you experience any physical discomfort during your period that affects intimacy?

  • Yes, it's very uncomfortable
  • A little discomfort, but manageable
  • No discomfort at all
  • I feel more sensitive and enjoy it

How adventurous are you when it comes to trying new intimacy activities during your period?

  • Not adventurous at all
  • Somewhat adventurous
  • Very adventurous
  • Extremely adventurous

The Reserved Romantic

You appreciate intimacy during your period but prefer to keep things gentle and romantic.

The Adventurous Explorer

You love embracing new experiences and enjoy exploring your intimacy preferences during your period.

The Comfort Seeker

You prefer low-impact activities and prioritize comfort during intimacy while on your period.

The Fearless Enthusiast

You are fearless when it comes to your period and enjoy experimenting with all types of intimacy activities.

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