Discover Your Spice Preference

How do you feel about spicy foods?

  • I love them! The spicier, the better!
  • I enjoy a mild kick of spice every now and then.
  • I prefer non-spicy foods.
  • I can't handle any level of spice.

What is your favorite cuisine?

  • Mexican
  • Indian
  • Italian
  • Japanese

How do you feel about hot sauces?

  • I have a collection of different hot sauces and love trying new ones.
  • I enjoy having a few reliable hot sauce options.
  • I rarely use or have hot sauces.
  • I can't even handle the mildest hot sauce.

How adventurous are you when trying new dishes?

  • Very adventurous! I'll try anything spicy.
  • I'm open to trying new dishes with a moderate level of spice.
  • I prefer sticking to dishes I know and like.
  • I avoid anything remotely spicy.

How often do you use spices like cayenne pepper in your cooking?

  • All the time! I add spice to almost every dish.
  • Occasionally, depending on the recipe.
  • Rarely, if ever.
  • Never. I can't handle spices.

Spice Enthusiast

You love a good kick of spice and enjoy trying new spicy dishes and hot sauces.

Mild Spice Lover

You enjoy a mild kick of spice every now and then and appreciate some heat in your meals.

Non-Spice Seeker

You prefer non-spicy foods and rarely use spices like cayenne pepper in your cooking.

Spice Intolerant

You can't handle any level of spice and avoid anything remotely spicy.

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