Decode His Signals

How often does he initiate contact with you?

  • He texts or calls me every day
  • He usually responds when I reach out first
  • I have to constantly initiate contact
  • He rarely responds to my messages

Does he make plans to hang out with you?

  • Yes, he initiates plans and follows through
  • Sometimes, but he often cancels or reschedules
  • Only if I suggest something first
  • He avoids making plans with me

How does he respond when you share personal stories or feelings?

  • He listens attentively and offers support
  • He seems interested but doesn't offer much feedback
  • He often changes the subject or seems disinterested
  • He doesn't seem to care or pay attention

Does he introduce you to his friends and family?

  • Yes, he's proud to have me in his life
  • He's mentioned them but hasn't made any introductions
  • He seems hesitant to involve me with his social circle
  • He avoids any mention of his friends or family

How does he behave when you're together?

  • He's attentive, affectionate, and present
  • He's sometimes distant or preoccupied
  • He often seems bored or uninterested
  • He acts like he'd rather be somewhere else

He's Into You

Congratulations! It seems like he's genuinely interested in you and values your relationship.

Mixed Signals

His actions are unclear and inconsistent, making it hard to decipher his true intentions.

Not That Into You

Unfortunately, it seems like he may be blowing you off or not as invested in the relationship.

Time to Move On

Based on his behavior, it's best to accept that he's not interested and focus on finding someone who appreciates you.

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