Discover Your Relationship Potential

How often do you see each other outside of the bedroom?

  • Rarely or never
  • Occasionally, for casual activities
  • Frequently, as friends
  • Almost every day, like a couple

How do you feel when you see them with someone else?

  • Not bothered, it's just physical
  • A bit jealous or insecure
  • Uncomfortable, I wish it was just us
  • Hurt and betrayed, I want them all to myself

Do you spend non-sexual time together, like watching movies or going out for dinner?

  • No, it's purely sexual
  • Sometimes, but mostly just for convenience
  • Yes, we enjoy each other's company
  • All the time, we do everything together

Have you talked about your feelings or intentions for the future of the relationship?

  • No, we never discuss emotions
  • A little, but we keep it casual
  • Yes, we've touched upon the topic
  • We've had serious conversations about our future

How would you react if they expressed wanting to be in a committed relationship with you?

  • I would turn them down
  • I would hesitate and feel unsure
  • I would consider it, but need time to think
  • I would be thrilled and ready to commit

Just Friends

You enjoy the benefits but have no desire for a committed relationship at this time.

Potential for More

There is a possibility for a deeper connection, but you may need to work on your emotions and intentions.

Ready for Love

You have strong feelings and are ready to take your friends with benefits arrangement to the next level.

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