Discover Your Relationship Break Preferences

When you hear the term 'relationship break', what is the first thought that comes to your mind?

  • An opportunity to explore personal growth and independence
  • A temporary separation to evaluate the relationship
  • A sign of relationship trouble that needs fixing
  • An unnecessary and avoidable step

How do you typically approach conflict resolution in your relationship?

  • Openly communicate and address issues immediately
  • Take some time to cool off before discussing the problem
  • Avoid conflicts or sweep them under the rug
  • Let the other person always have their way to keep the peace

How important is maintaining independence and personal freedom in a relationship to you?

  • Extremely important - I need my own space and time
  • Somewhat important - I value alone time but also enjoy companionship
  • Not important - I prefer to be deeply involved in all aspects of my partner's life
  • I'm not sure how important it is to me

Do you believe that a relationship break can actually strengthen a couple's bond?

  • Yes, it can create room for personal growth and self-reflection
  • No, it will only lead to more distance and potential breakup
  • It depends on the specific circumstances and individuals involved
  • I'm not sure what to think about that

How do you envision spending your time during a relationship break?

  • Engaging in personal hobbies and self-care activities
  • Focusing on self-improvement and personal growth
  • Remaining in touch with each other and working on the relationship
  • Taking a complete break with no contact or relationship-related activities

The Independent Explorer

You view relationship breaks as an opportunity for personal growth and independence. You prioritize maintaining your own identity while being in a relationship.

The Evaluative Thinker

You see relationship breaks as a chance to evaluate the current state of your relationship. It's essential for you to take time apart to reflect on the relationship.

The Troubled Troubleshooter

You perceive relationship breaks as a sign of trouble within the relationship. You tend to focus on fixing the issues rather than taking a break.

The Uncertain Observer

You are unsure about your stance on relationship breaks. You may need more information or personal experiences to form a clear perspective.

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