Decode His Feelings: Is He Hung Up on His Ex?

Does your partner frequently bring up their ex in conversations?

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Often

Do they compare you to their ex?

  • No, never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Yes, frequently

Have you noticed them stalking their ex's social media profiles?

  • Never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Yes, often

Do they get defensive or angry when you bring up their ex?

  • No, never
  • Rarely
  • Sometimes
  • Yes, frequently

Have they kept any mementos or gifts from their ex?

  • No, they've thrown everything away
  • They've kept a few things
  • They have a box of memories
  • Yes, they still display them

The Emotionally Available Partner

Your partner seems to have moved on from their past relationship and is emotionally available for a new connection.

The Nostalgic Dreamer

Your partner occasionally reminisces about their ex, but it doesn't significantly affect your current relationship.

The Lingering Attachment

Your partner still holds some attachment to their ex, which could impact your relationship. Open communication is key.

The Ex-obsessed

Your partner is still strongly hung up on their ex. It's important to have a serious conversation about their feelings and your future together.

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