Discover Your Shopping Style

How do you usually plan your shopping trips?

  • I research online and make a list before going to the store.
  • I prefer spontaneous trips and shop on a whim.
  • I usually browse through stores and buy things that catch my eye.
  • I like going to specific stores and buy items based on recommendations.

When it comes to clothes, what do you value the most?

  • Comfort
  • Style
  • Affordability
  • Quality

How often do you shop for new clothes or accessories?

  • At least once a month
  • Once every few months
  • Only when I really need something
  • Rarely, I prefer to stick with what I have

Which type of shopping experience do you prefer?

  • Shopping alone and taking my time
  • Shopping with friends or family for advice
  • Shopping online from the comfort of my home
  • Shopping in bustling malls and stores

What is your approach to sale and discounts?

  • I love a good bargain, always looking for the best deals.
  • I don't prioritize sales, I buy what I like.
  • I'll wait for sales before making a purchase.
  • I'm willing to splurge on high-quality items, regardless of the price.

The Trendsetter

You have a keen eye for style and always stay ahead of the fashion trends. Your shopping trips are focused on finding the most fashionable and unique pieces.

The Practical Shopper

You value practicality and comfort over trends. Your shopping style focuses on finding versatile and functional pieces that fit your everyday needs.

The Bargain Hunter

You are always on the lookout for sales and discounts. Your shopping style revolves around finding the best deals and saving money without compromising on style.

The Indecisive Shopper

You enjoy exploring different stores and browsing through various options. Your shopping style is characterized by indecisiveness and a willingness to try new things.

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