Unveil Your Eating Habits

What is your go-to breakfast?

  • A bowl of cereal with milk
  • Avocado toast with a side of eggs
  • A fruit smoothie
  • A pastry or donut

How do you usually plan your meals?

  • I create a meal plan for the entire week
  • I decide on the spot based on my cravings
  • I eat whatever is available
  • I don't really plan, I eat whenever I feel hungry

When it comes to snacks, you prefer:

  • Fresh fruits or vegetables
  • Chips or other savory snacks
  • Sweets like cookies or candies
  • I don't usually snack

How do you view eating out at restaurants?

  • I love trying new restaurants and cuisines
  • I prefer cooking at home
  • I eat out occasionally, but it's not a regular thing
  • I avoid eating out as much as possible

How do you deal with stress or emotions?

  • I find comfort in food and tend to overeat
  • I lose my appetite and eat very little
  • I try to maintain my regular eating habits
  • I have no specific pattern, it varies

The Mindful Eater

You have a balanced approach towards food. You prioritize nourishing your body while still allowing yourself treats in moderation.

The Health Conscious

You are focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You pay attention to what you eat and make conscious choices for your well-being.

The Indulgent Foodie

You enjoy food and savor every bite. You don't shy away from indulging in your favorite dishes and treats.

The Emotional Eater

You often turn to food to cope with emotions and stress. It's important to find healthier coping mechanisms and seek support if needed.

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