Discover Your Smoking Stance

What are your thoughts on smoking in general?

  • I find it repulsive and would never smoke.
  • I don't smoke but don't mind if others do.
  • I occasionally smoke at social gatherings.
  • I enjoy smoking and do it regularly.

How do you perceive smokers in society?

  • I think they are weak and lack self-control.
  • I believe they have the right to make their own choices.
  • I see them as individuals who need support to quit smoking.
  • I admire their rebellious nature and find them stylish.

Do you think smoking should be banned in public places?

  • Yes, it should be banned everywhere.
  • No, people should have the freedom to smoke in designated areas.
  • It should be allowed with certain restrictions.
  • Smoking should be permitted anywhere without limitations.

How concerned are you about the health risks associated with smoking?

  • Extremely concerned, smoking is a major health hazard.
  • Somewhat concerned, but believe it's an individual's choice.
  • I am aware of the risks but take my chances.
  • I am not bothered by the health risks at all.

Are you open to trying nicotine alternatives or quitting smoking altogether?

  • Yes, I am actively looking for ways to quit.
  • I might consider it in the future.
  • I am content with my smoking habit and have no plans to quit.
  • No, I enjoy smoking and have no desire to quit.

The Non-Smoker

You strongly dislike smoking and have no desire to start.

The Accepting Observer

You don't personally smoke but have an accepting attitude towards smokers.

The Social Smoker

You occasionally enjoy smoking in social settings.

The Smoking Enthusiast

You smoke regularly and take pleasure in the habit.

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