Discover Your Extroversion Level

How do you feel in social gatherings?

  • I feel energized and excited
  • I feel comfortable and enjoy mingling
  • I feel a bit drained, but also have a good time
  • I feel overwhelmed and exhausted

How often do you initiate conversations with strangers?

  • All the time, I love meeting new people
  • Sometimes, if I'm in the mood
  • Rarely, unless I have to
  • Never, it makes me uncomfortable

Which statement describes your ideal weekend?

  • Partying and being around lots of people
  • Hanging out with a close-knit group of friends
  • A balance of socializing and alone time
  • Spending quality time alone or with one or two close friends

How do you feel about public speaking?

  • I love it, I thrive in front of an audience
  • I can do it, but it makes me somewhat nervous
  • I avoid it if possible, but can manage if necessary
  • I hate it, it terrifies me

When making plans, what do you prefer?

  • Group plans, the more the merrier
  • Medium-sized gatherings with a few close friends
  • Flexible plans, no pressure
  • Solo plans or one-on-one hangouts


You prefer solitude over socializing, and you recharge your energy by spending time alone.


You are a balanced mix of introversion and extroversion, enjoying both social interactions and alone time.


You thrive in social situations and gain energy from being around others. You are a true extrovert!

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