Unlock Your Hair Preferences

How do you feel about spending time on hair maintenance?

  • I love it, it's part of my self-care routine
  • I don't mind it, as long as it doesn't take too much time
  • I prefer low-maintenance hairstyles
  • I don't enjoy it and try to avoid it as much as possible

How often do you like to change your hairstyle?

  • I enjoy experimenting with new styles frequently
  • I like to switch it up occasionally
  • I prefer to stick to one signature style
  • I rarely change my hairstyle

How do you feel about having versatility in styling your hair?

  • I love having many options to style my hair differently
  • I like having a few versatile styles that I can switch between
  • I prefer a simple, low-maintenance style that works for most occasions
  • I don't really care about styling options, as long as it's comfortable

How do you feel about the attention and compliments that come with long hair?

  • I love the attention and compliments
  • I appreciate the compliments, but they're not the main reason for having long hair
  • I don't really care about attention or compliments
  • I feel uncomfortable with attention and prefer not to receive compliments

How important is it for you to feel confident and beautiful with your hair?

  • Very important, it boosts my self-esteem
  • It's important, but not the most important aspect of my appearance
  • I don't prioritize feeling confident and beautiful with my hair
  • I feel confident and beautiful without considering my hair

The Trendsetter

You love exploring different hairstyles and staying up to date with the latest hair trends. You enjoy spending time on hair maintenance and appreciate the attention that comes with having long hair.

The Versatile Styler

You appreciate having options when it comes to styling your hair. While you enjoy some variety, you also value simplicity and low-maintenance styles.

The Classic Icon

You prefer a signature hairstyle that you can stick to. You prioritize comfort and functionality over trendy styles and attention.

The Effortless Beauty

You don't put much emphasis on hair styling and maintenance. You prefer low-maintenance hairstyles and don't care much about attention or compliments.

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