Discover Your Promise-Keeping Style

When a friend asks you for a favor, what is your initial reaction?

  • Always happy to help. I'll do whatever I can.
  • I'll consider it, but I can't guarantee anything.
  • I'll try to help, but I might not have the time or resources.
  • I prefer not to commit to anything.

Do you tend to overpromise and underdeliver in your personal or professional life?

  • Never, I always strive to exceed expectations.
  • Sometimes, it's hard to meet everyone's expectations.
  • Occasionally, I underestimate the time or effort required.
  • Yes, it happens frequently.

How do you react when someone breaks a promise they made to you?

  • I understand that things happen and forgive them.
  • I get disappointed but try to be understanding.
  • I feel let down and lose trust in that person.
  • I expect people to break promises, so I'm not bothered.

What is your approach to setting realistic deadlines for yourself or others?

  • I always set achievable deadlines.
  • I try to set reasonable deadlines, but sometimes they are overly optimistic.
  • I struggle to set realistic deadlines and often underestimate the time required.
  • I don't like deadlines and prefer a more flexible approach.

How important is keeping your promises to you?

  • Extremely important, my word is my bond.
  • Important, but there may be occasions where it's challenging.
  • Somewhat important, but I prioritize my own well-being.
  • Not very important, I often make promises I can't keep.

The Promise Keeper

You are dedicated to keeping your promises and value trust and reliability.

The Balanced Commitment

You have a good balance between keeping promises and acknowledging your limitations.

The Optimistic Intender

You often have good intentions but struggle with following through on your promises.

The Impulsive Promiser

You tend to make promises without considering the consequences or your ability to fulfill them.

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