Discover Your Anger Management Style

When you are angry, how do you prefer to express it?

  • I prefer to retreat and keep my anger to myself.
  • I am vocal and expressive, and I let people know exactly how I feel.
  • I try to find a compromise and calmly communicate my concerns.
  • I tend to suppress my anger and avoid confrontation.

What usually triggers your anger?

  • Injustice or unfair treatment
  • Lack of control or feeling powerless
  • Disrespect or being disregarded
  • Other people's mistakes or incompetence

How do you typically behave when you're angry?

  • I become aggressive and confrontational.
  • I become passive-aggressive and make snide remarks.
  • I withdraw and give the silent treatment.
  • I try to calm myself down and approach the situation rationally.

When someone apologizes to you after causing anger, how do you usually respond?

  • I struggle to accept the apology and hold onto grudges.
  • I forgive easily and move on from the situation.
  • I accept the apology but remain cautious in trusting the person again.
  • I appreciate the apology and work towards rebuilding the relationship.

How do you feel after expressing your anger?

  • Empowered and relieved
  • Regretful and guilty
  • Indifferent and detached
  • Understood and validated

Fiery Flame

Your anger is intense and expressed through aggression. It's important to find healthier ways to channel your anger.

Passive Observer

You tend to suppress your anger and avoid confrontation. Learning to assert yourself and express your emotions is essential for your well-being.

Balanced Communicator

You approach anger with composure and seek resolution through effective communication. Your skill in handling anger contributes to healthier relationships.

Peaceful Responder

You have a calm and rational approach to anger management. Your ability to forgive and move on allows you to maintain inner peace.

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