Discover Your Communication Style

How do you usually express your disagreement with someone?

  • I calmly state my opposing views and explain my reasoning.
  • I raise my voice and become argumentative.
  • I avoid confrontation and keep my opinions to myself.
  • I make sarcastic remarks and belittle the other person's ideas.

When someone offers you constructive criticism, how do you usually respond?

  • I appreciate the feedback and try to learn from it.
  • I get defensive and explain why I am right.
  • I ignore the criticism and pretend it doesn't bother me.
  • I make snide remarks and criticize the person's flaws.

What is your preferred method of resolving conflicts?

  • Open and honest communication to find a mutually beneficial solution.
  • Demanding that others comply with my wishes.
  • Avoiding conflict at all costs and sweeping issues under the rug.
  • Using manipulation and passive-aggressive tactics to get my way.

How do you typically handle feedback or criticism from others?

  • I take it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.
  • I become defensive and try to justify my actions.
  • I ignore it and pretend it doesn't affect me.
  • I retaliate by criticizing the person's flaws.

Which statement best describes your communication style?

  • I strive to be respectful and empathetic in my interactions.
  • I tend to dominate conversations and focus on getting my point across.
  • I avoid conflicts and prefer to keep conversations light and casual.
  • I enjoy pushing people's buttons and provoking strong reactions.

The Diplomatic Communicator

You value open and respectful communication, seeking to understand others' perspectives.

The Defensive Debater

You tend to become defensive in disagreements and struggle to accept criticism.

The Conflict Avoider

You prefer to avoid conflicts and often keep your opinions to yourself.

The Provocative Instigator

You enjoy provoking strong reactions and may use sarcastic remarks or belittle others.

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