Discover Your Flirting Style

When you see an attractive guy at a bar, what is the first thing you do?

  • Make eye contact and give a flirty smile
  • Walk over and start a conversation
  • Play it cool and wait for him to make a move
  • Send your friend over to introduce you

What is your go-to conversation starter?

  • Compliment his outfit or appearance
  • Ask about his favorite drink or cocktail
  • Make a funny or witty comment
  • Ask for his recommendation on what to order

How do you usually hint that you want a guy to buy you a drink?

  • Casually mention that you're running low on cash
  • Suggest going to the bar and ordering a round together
  • Playfully tease him about being so lucky to have a drink with you
  • Wait for him to offer without dropping any hints

How do you react if a guy doesn't offer to buy you a drink?

  • Brush it off and continue the conversation
  • Drop hints about wanting a drink from someone else
  • Change the subject and focus on getting to know him
  • Give him a disappointed look and move on

How important is it for a guy to buy you a drink?

  • Not important at all, I'll buy my own
  • It's a nice gesture, but not a dealbreaker
  • It's a definite sign that he's interested and attentive
  • It shows he's willing to invest in getting to know me

The Flirty Teaser

You love to banter and playfully tease when flirting. Your quick wit and charm make guys unable to resist buying you a drink.

The Confident Conversationalist

You are great at starting conversations and making connections. Your ability to engage in meaningful conversations often leads to guys buying you a drink.

The Subtle Hint Dropper

You're a master of dropping subtle hints without being too obvious. Guys can't help but pick up on your signals and offer to buy you a drink.

The Independent Lady

You don't rely on guys to buy you drinks. You're confident and self-sufficient, and you don't need a drink to know your worth.

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