Discover Your Flirting Style

How do you usually start a conversation with your crush?

  • Compliment them on their appearance
  • Make a playful joke or tease them
  • Engage in a deep and meaningful conversation
  • Ask for their opinion on something

How do you typically flirt with your crush?

  • Smile and make eye contact
  • Playfully touch or lightly bump into them
  • Engage in witty and flirty banter
  • Give them meaningful compliments and listen attentively

How do you express physical proximity to your crush?

  • Stand or sit close to them
  • Casually touch their arm or shoulder
  • Lean in when talking to them
  • Hug them or hold their hand

How do you react to a lull in the conversation with your crush?

  • Make a playful comment to lighten the mood
  • Ask them a thought-provoking question
  • Share a personal story or a funny anecdote
  • Create a comfortable silence and maintain eye contact

What is your approach when it comes to revealing your feelings to your crush?

  • Drop subtle hints and see if they catch on
  • Confess your feelings directly and honestly
  • Leave small surprises or thoughtful gestures
  • Take your time and let the feelings naturally evolve

The Playful Flirt

You have a lighthearted and fun approach to flirting. Your crush enjoys your playful nature and teasing.

The Charming Conversationalist

You excel in deep and meaningful conversations. Your crush is captivated by your intellectual and emotional connection.

The Smooth Toucher

You have a knack for physical touch and enjoy creating a sense of intimacy. Your crush appreciates your touchy-feely gestures.

The Subtle Hint-Dropper

You prefer to drop hints and subtly express your feelings. Your crush is intrigued by your mysterious and elusive nature.

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