Discover Your Communication Style

When you are in a group setting, how do you prefer to contribute?

  • I am usually the quiet observer and prefer to listen to others.
  • I actively participate and share my ideas and thoughts.
  • I prefer to contribute only when necessary, and I carefully choose my words.
  • I tend to dominate the conversation and enjoy being the center of attention.

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements?

  • I avoid confrontation and try to find common ground.
  • I express my opinion assertively and try to find a solution.
  • I remain calm and listen to all perspectives before speaking up.
  • I become aggressive and confrontational to defend my point of view.

How do you prefer to receive feedback?

  • I appreciate constructive criticism and see it as an opportunity to improve.
  • I prefer positive feedback that highlights my strengths and achievements.
  • I like detailed feedback that helps me understand my areas for improvement.
  • I don't enjoy receiving feedback and may become defensive or dismissive.

How do you prefer to give feedback to others?

  • I provide honest and constructive feedback while considering the other person's feelings.
  • I focus on highlighting the person's strengths and providing positive reinforcement.
  • I offer specific and detailed feedback to help the person improve.
  • I am blunt and straightforward in my feedback, sometimes risking hurting the person's feelings.

How do you approach listening to others?

  • I am an active listener and show genuine interest in what others have to say.
  • I tend to interrupt and offer my thoughts or opinions while others are speaking.
  • I listen carefully and ask clarifying questions to ensure I understand correctly.
  • I often get distracted or lose interest while others are speaking.

The Listener

You are an attentive listener who values understanding and supporting others.

The Assertive Communicator

You are confident and assertive in sharing your thoughts and ideas with others.

The Diplomat

You are skilled at navigating conflicts and finding common ground in communication.

The Direct Communicator

You are straightforward and direct in your communication, sometimes risking hurting others' feelings.

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