Discover Your Friendship Style

How do you prefer to spend your free time?

  • Alone, doing your own thing
  • With a small group of close friends
  • In a large social gathering
  • Exploring new activities with different people

When your friend is going through a difficult time, how do you support them?

  • Offer a listening ear and emotional support
  • Give practical advice and help them find solutions
  • Plan fun activities to take their mind off things
  • Encourage them to seek professional help

How do you handle conflict or disagreements with your friends?

  • Avoid confrontation and try to keep the peace
  • Address the issue calmly and discuss it openly
  • Express your frustration and anger without holding back
  • Take some time apart and then reconnect to talk it out

What do you value most in a friendship?

  • Trust and loyalty
  • Shared interests and hobbies
  • Spontaneity and adventure
  • Good communication and understanding

How do you react when a friend cancels plans at the last minute?

  • Feel disappointed but understand they have valid reasons
  • Get upset and express your frustration
  • Take it as an opportunity to do something on your own
  • Reschedule the plans for another time

The Loyal Companion

You value trust and loyalty above all else in your friendships. Your close circle of friends is like a second family to you, and you always prioritize their well-being and happiness.

The Social Butterfly

You thrive in large social gatherings and enjoy meeting new people. You are the life of the party and always bring energy and excitement to your friendships.

The Problem Solver

You are the go-to person in your friend group when someone needs practical advice or help finding solutions to their problems. Your friends appreciate your logical approach to challenges.

The Adventurous Spirit

You seek out new experiences and love trying different activities with your friends. You enjoy the thrill of spontaneity and are always up for an adventure.

The Peacemaker

You avoid conflict and always strive to keep the peace in your friendships. Your calm and diplomatic nature helps maintain harmony among your friends.

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