Discover Your Winter Skin Perk

What is your preferred skincare routine?

  • I keep it simple with cleanser and moisturizer.
  • I follow a multi-step routine with cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer.
  • I use minimal products but focus on high-quality ingredients.
  • I don't have a skincare routine.

How often do you exfoliate your skin?

  • Every day
  • Once or twice a week
  • Once a month or less
  • I don't exfoliate

Do you use sunscreen daily?

  • Yes, always
  • Sometimes, when I remember
  • No, I don't think it's necessary
  • I don't use sunscreen

How often do you drink water throughout the day?

  • I stay hydrated and drink plenty of water
  • I drink water occasionally, but not consistently
  • I rarely drink water and prefer other beverages
  • I hardly drink water at all

Which type of moisturizer do you prefer?

  • Lightweight and non-greasy
  • Rich and creamy
  • I prefer natural oils as moisturizers
  • I don't use moisturizer

The Radiant Glow Getter

Your skin will shine with a radiant glow. Focus on hydrating products and maintaining a consistent skincare routine.

The Skincare Enthusiast

You're serious about skincare and love trying new products. Keep up with your multi-step routine and experiment with different ingredients to perk up your skin.

The Minimalist

You prefer a minimalistic approach to skincare. Stick to high-quality products with minimal ingredients, and prioritize hydration and sun protection.

The Neglectful Naysayer

Skincare may not be your top priority, but a little effort can go a long way. Start with a simple routine and don't forget to hydrate and protect your skin from the sun.

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