Decode His Body Language

When he talks, he ...

  • Maintains eye contact
  • Looks away frequently
  • Avoids making direct eye contact
  • Stares intensely

When he sits next to you, he ...

  • Keeps his body turned towards you
  • Leans away from you
  • Crosses his arms or legs
  • Touches or brushes against you often

When he smiles at you, his smile is ...

  • Genuine and warm
  • Forced or fake
  • Lacks eye involvement
  • Accompanied by raised eyebrows

When you're in a group conversation, he ...

  • Turns his body towards you
  • Engages more with others than with you
  • Displays closed body language
  • Laughs at your jokes, even when they're not funny

When you touch him lightly during a conversation, he ...

  • Leans in or reciprocates the touch
  • Pulls away or seems uncomfortable
  • Doesn't react or acknowledge the touch
  • Touches you back affectionately

The Charming Communicator

He is confident, attentive, and genuinely interested in you.

The Shy Observer

He is more reserved and may need some encouragement to open up.

The Distracted Dater

He seems distracted or uninterested in the conversation.

The Flirty Flatterer

He showers you with attention and compliments, often to win you over quickly.

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