Discover Your Readiness for Intimacy

How comfortable are you communicating about your desires and boundaries with a potential partner?

  • Very comfortable
  • Somewhat comfortable
  • Not very comfortable
  • Not comfortable at all

Do you have a clear understanding of consent and how to give and receive it?

  • Yes, I am well-informed
  • I have some knowledge, but could learn more
  • I have heard about it, but I am unsure
  • I am not familiar with the concept of consent

Have you taken the time to explore and understand your own body and sexual desires?

  • Yes, I am confident in my understanding
  • I have some knowledge, but want to learn more
  • I am unsure about my own desires
  • I have not explored my own desires

Are you emotionally prepared for the potential consequences and complexities that can come with sex?

  • Yes, I have considered and accepted the risks
  • I am aware, but still have some concerns
  • I am unsure about the emotional impact
  • I haven't thought about the consequences

Do you feel ready to handle the physical aspects of sex, such as practicing safe sex and dealing with potential discomfort?

  • Yes, I am fully prepared
  • I have some knowledge, but could learn more
  • I am unsure about the logistics
  • I haven't thought about the physical aspects

The Confident Explorer

You have a solid understanding of yourself and what you want. You're ready to take the next step!

The Enthusiastic Learner

You have some knowledge and curiosity, but it's important to further educate yourself and reflect on your readiness.

The Tentative Contemplator

You have some uncertainties and reservations. Take more time to explore your own desires and emotions before proceeding.

The Unsure Observer

You're uncertain about your readiness for intimacy right now. Spend more time understanding yourself before considering taking this step.

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