Decode Your Relationship Transition

How often do you communicate with your friend?

  • We talk or text multiple times a day
  • We talk or text a few times a week
  • We talk or text occasionally
  • We seldom communicate

How long have you known each other?

  • Less than a year
  • 1-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • More than 5 years

Do you feel a romantic attraction towards your friend?

  • Yes, I have strong romantic feelings
  • I have some romantic feelings, but also value our friendship
  • I am unsure about my romantic feelings
  • No, I see them solely as a friend

How comfortable are you with expressing your emotions to your friend?

  • Very comfortable, we share our deepest thoughts and feelings
  • Somewhat comfortable, but may hesitate at times
  • Not very comfortable, I tend to keep my emotions to myself
  • Not comfortable at all, I rarely express my emotions

Have you ever discussed the possibility of a romantic relationship with your friend?

  • Yes, we have openly talked about it
  • We have hinted at it, but never had a direct conversation
  • We have never discussed it
  • We have avoided this topic

The Best Friends Plus

You and your friend have a strong foundation of communication and emotional connection. Transitioning into a romantic relationship could be a natural progression.

The Slow and Steady Climb

You have a good friendship but are unsure about romantic feelings. Taking it slow and exploring the possibility over time might be the right approach.

The Uncertain Territory

You have some conflicting feelings about the potential romantic relationship. It's important to have open and honest conversations with your friend to clarify your emotions.

The Friends Only Zone

You value your friendship and don't see it developing into a romantic relationship. It's best to maintain the strong bond you already have.

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