Discover Your Perfect Wine and Snack Pairing

What is your favorite type of wine?

  • Red
  • White
  • Rosé
  • Sparkling

How would you describe your taste preferences?

  • Sweet
  • Dry
  • Balanced
  • Fruity

What is your favorite type of cheese?

  • Brie
  • Cheddar
  • Goat
  • Blue

How adventurous are you when it comes to trying new flavors?

  • Not adventurous at all
  • Somewhat adventurous
  • Very adventurous
  • I love trying new flavors!

What is your favorite type of snack?

  • Crackers
  • Nuts
  • Fruit
  • Charcuterie

The Elegant Enthusiast

You appreciate the complexities of wine and enjoy pairing it with sophisticated snacks. Your ideal wine and snack pairing is red wine with charcuterie.

The Flavor Explorer

You love trying new flavors and enjoy pairing wine with adventurous snacks. Your ideal wine and snack pairing is sparkling wine with nuts.

The Balanced Taster

You prefer a balanced taste in your wine and snacks. Your ideal wine and snack pairing is rosé wine with crackers.

The Sweet Tooth

You have a sweet tooth and enjoy pairing wine with fruity snacks. Your ideal wine and snack pairing is white wine with fruit.

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