Discover Your Technology Habits

How often do you upgrade your smartphone?

  • Every year or every time a new model is released
  • Every 2-3 years
  • Only when my current phone breaks or becomes unusable
  • I don't own a smartphone

Do you regularly pay for streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, etc.)?

  • Yes, I subscribe to multiple streaming services
  • Yes, I subscribe to one or two streaming services
  • No, I only use free streaming platforms
  • No, I don't use any streaming services

How often do you buy new gadgets or tech accessories?

  • Every month or whenever something catches my eye
  • Every few months
  • Once or twice a year
  • Rarely or never

How much do you spend on smartphone apps or in-app purchases each month?

  • Over $50
  • $20-$50
  • Less than $20
  • I don't spend money on smartphone apps or in-app purchases

Do you buy extended warranties or insurance for your tech devices?

  • Always, for every device I own
  • Sometimes, for expensive devices
  • Rarely, only for very fragile devices
  • Never, I don't see the need for them

Tech Shopaholic

You are constantly upgrading your gadgets and spending a significant amount on tech expenses. It might be time to reevaluate your purchasing habits.

Smart Tech Consumer

You have a balanced approach towards technology and make thoughtful purchases. Keep up the good work!

Tech Minimalist

You tend to be frugal when it comes to technology and only make necessary purchases. Your wallet thanks you!

Tech-Free Enthusiast

You prefer to stay away from excessive technology usage and unnecessary expenses. You are keeping it simple and minimalistic.

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