Unveil Your Closet Smoking Habits

When do you usually smoke?

  • In the morning
  • During lunch breaks
  • After work
  • Late at night

Where do you usually smoke?

  • In the bathroom
  • In the backyard
  • Out of the window
  • In the car

How often do you smoke?

  • Once in a while
  • A few times a week
  • Almost every day
  • Multiple times a day

What is your preferred cigarette brand?

  • Marlboro
  • Camel
  • Lucky Strike
  • Dunhill

Why do you smoke in secret?

  • To relax and unwind
  • To rebel against societal norms
  • To feel a sense of control
  • For the thrill of the forbidden

The Occasional Indulger

You enjoy a secret smoke every now and then, savoring the taste and the momentary escape it provides.

The Stealthy Puffer

You've mastered the art of covert smoking, finding moments throughout the day to indulge without raising suspicion.

The Midnight Sneaker

You crave the illicit thrill of a late-night smoke, relishing in the silence and solitude it brings.

The Secret Rebel

Smoking in secrecy serves as a rebellious act for you, a way to defy societal norms and assert your independence.

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