Discover Your Thrill Level

How do you feel about heights?

  • Love them! The higher, the better.
  • I'm okay with moderate heights, but not too extreme.
  • I get a little nervous at high places.
  • Terrified! I want to stay as close to the ground as possible.

What would be your reaction to a sudden drop on a roller coaster?

  • Excitement! I live for those intense moments.
  • I can handle it, but it's not my favorite sensation.
  • I would feel a bit unsettled and grip the handle tightly.
  • Pure terror! I would be screaming my lungs out.

How do you feel about fast and spinning rides?

  • Love them! The faster and more spinning, the better.
  • I can handle them, but I prefer milder rides.
  • I get a little dizzy and disoriented.
  • I would never step foot on something that spins.

Do you enjoy rides with virtual or augmented reality elements?

  • Yes, it adds an extra layer of excitement.
  • I'm open to trying them, but they're not my preference.
  • I find them a bit disorienting and prefer more traditional rides.
  • I would avoid them at all costs.

How do you feel about rides that go upside down?

  • Love them! The more loops, the better.
  • I can handle a few inversions, but not too many.
  • I would feel quite uncomfortable with the idea of going upside down.
  • Absolutely no way! I would never go on a ride that flips.

Thrill Seeker

You're a fearless adventurer who craves adrenaline-pumping rides. Nothing scares you!

Brave Explorer

You're quite the thrill-seeker but prefer your adventures to have some limits. You're willing to try most rides, but not the scariest ones.

Cautious Adventurer

You enjoy mild thrills and prefer to stay within your comfort zone. You're not a big fan of the scariest rides.

Timid Participant

You're not a fan of intense rides and prefer to stick to gentle attractions. You avoid the scariest rides at all costs.

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