Discover Your Sleeping Habits

What is your nighttime skincare routine?

  • I always remove my makeup and follow a complete skincare routine.
  • I remove my makeup most of the time, but sometimes I skip it.
  • I rarely remove my makeup and usually go to bed with it on.
  • I never remove my makeup before bed.

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

  • Refreshed and ready to start the day.
  • A little tired, but it gets better as the day goes on.
  • Exhausted and groggy, takes a while to feel awake.
  • I feel the same as the night before, no real change.

How often do you experience breakouts or skin irritation?

  • Rarely or never.
  • Occasionally, but it's manageable.
  • Frequently, I deal with breakouts or irritation often.
  • Constantly, my skin is always breaking out or irritated.

What is your preferred sleeping position?

  • On my back.
  • On my side.
  • On my stomach.
  • I toss and turn, can't settle into one position.

Do you enjoy a nighttime skincare routine?

  • Yes, it's a relaxing and important part of my self-care routine.
  • I don't mind it, but it's not a priority for me.
  • Not really, I find it tedious and time-consuming.
  • I don't have a skincare routine.

The Sleep Care Enthusiast

You prioritize your sleep and take care of your skin before bed. Keep up the good habits!

The Night Owl

You sometimes neglect your nighttime skincare routine and it affects your sleep quality. Consider making improvements.

The Sleeping Beauty

You rarely remove your makeup before bed and it can have negative effects on your skin and sleep. Try to establish a better routine.

The Sleep Rebel

You never remove your makeup before bed and have no interest in skincare routines. It's time to prioritize your sleep and skin health.

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