Discover Your Dating Maturity

When your partner cancels plans last minute, how do you react?

  • I get angry and lash out at them.
  • I feel disappointed but try to find a solution.
  • I understand that things come up and reschedule.
  • I don't mind and just go with the flow.

How often do you communicate with your partner throughout the day?

  • We don't really talk during the day.
  • We exchange a few messages or calls.
  • We have regular check-ins and updates.
  • We are constantly in touch and share everything.

Do you have a clear vision of what you want in a long-term relationship?

  • Not really, I'm still figuring things out.
  • I have a general idea but open to adjustments.
  • Yes, I know what I want and won't settle for less.
  • I prefer not to plan too far ahead.

How do you handle disagreements or conflicts with your partner?

  • I become defensive and engage in arguments.
  • I try to have calm discussions and find compromises.
  • I actively listen and work towards understanding.
  • I avoid conflicts and keep the peace at all costs.

Are you willing to compromise and make sacrifices for your relationship?

  • No, I believe it should always be my way.
  • Sometimes, if it's important and reasonable.
  • Yes, I believe in finding middle ground.
  • I don't think compromises are necessary.

The Growing Pupil

Your dating maturity is still developing. You might benefit from working on your communication and understanding of your partner's needs.

The Balanced Companion

You have a healthy level of dating maturity. Your relationship is built on mutual respect and compromise.

The Wise Sage

You have reached a high level of dating maturity. Your relationships are founded on understanding, communication, and personal growth.

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