Which 'Growing Pains' character are you?

Which adjective best describes you?

  • Optimistic
  • Creative
  • Determined
  • Loyal

What's your favorite pastime?

  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Exploring
  • Fighting

How do you handle conflict?

  • Calmly
  • Ignore it
  • Confront it
  • Compromise

What's your biggest fear?

  • Heights
  • Being alone
  • Failing
  • Spiders

Who do you look up to the most?

  • Your parents
  • Your sibling
  • Your role model
  • Your pet

Mike Seaver

You are outgoing and determined, never giving up on what you want.

Carol Seaver

You are mature and empathetic, always looking out for others.

Ben Seaver

You are mischievous and adventurous, always looking for new things to do.

Maggie Seaver

You are nurturing and strong-willed, the backbone of your family.

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