Which 'Sort Of' character are you?

What's your attitude towards rules?

  • Rebel
  • Follow
  • Break
  • Modify

What's your approach to solving problems?

  • Unique
  • Methodical
  • Creative
  • Unconventional

How do you handle conflicts?

  • Confront
  • Avoid
  • Negotiate
  • Compromise

Which word best describes your personality?

  • Spontaneous
  • Analytical
  • Adventurous
  • Free-spirited

What's your favorite type of book genre?

  • Fantasy
  • Mystery
  • Romance
  • Non-fiction

The Rebel

You don't like rules and often question authority - just like the rebel character in 'Sort Of'. You don't conform to society's expectations and enjoy breaking the mold.

The Methodical

You like to approach things with a plan and analyze things before making a decision - similar to the methodical character in 'Sort Of'. You believe in following the rules and sticking to the traditional way of doing things.

The Adventurer

You love trying new things and think outside the box - just like the adventurous character in 'Sort Of'. You enjoy taking risks and embracing new opportunities.

The Free Spirit

You don't like to be tied down by rules and conventions - much like the free-spirited character in 'Sort Of'. You march to the beat of your own drum and value your freedom above all else.

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