Which 'Deal' character are you?

What is your greatest strength?

  • Leadership
  • Intelligence
  • Determination
  • Charm

What is your biggest weakness?

  • Impatience
  • Greed
  • Lack of empathy
  • Insecurity

What is your main motivation?

  • Power
  • Success
  • Love
  • Revenge

What is your favorite hobby?

  • Reading
  • Traveling
  • Gambling
  • Partying

What would you do if someone betrayed you?

  • Cut them out of your life
  • Forgive and forget
  • Seek revenge
  • Try to understand their motives

You are Frank Underwood!

You are a cunning and ambitious person, always craving power and success. You are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals, even if it means betraying others.

You are Claire Underwood!

You are a highly intelligent and determined individual, always striving for perfection and success. You are extremely strategic and have a strong presence, but can sometimes come across as calculating and cold.

You are Doug Stamper!

You are a loyal and dedicated person, always willing to go above and beyond for the people you care about. You can be quite intense and have a hard time letting go of grudges.

You are Rachel Posner!

You are a reserved and empathetic person, always trying to understand the motivations and feelings of others. You have a strong sense of justice and value honesty above all else.

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