Which 'Players' character are you?

What's your ideal night out?

  • Bar
  • Concert
  • Movie
  • Dinner

What's your go-to drink?

  • Beer
  • Tequila shot
  • Wine
  • Whiskey neat

What's your biggest fear?

  • Heights
  • Spiders
  • Public speaking
  • Clowns

What's your favorite way to relax?

  • Reading
  • Watching TV
  • Hiking
  • Meditation

What's your dream vacation?

  • Beach getaway
  • Ski trip
  • City tour
  • Safari adventure

You are Joey!

The life of the party and always down for a good time.

You are Abby!

A true romantic and always putting others first.

You are Bobby!

A natural leader and always ready for a challenge.

You are Lila!

A free spirit and always open to new experiences.

You are Ryan!

A deep thinker and always seeking knowledge.

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